Server Rules and Information

Here are a few of the rules and some handy info about the server!

Basically the same as on the E&K discord.
Be wholesome, don't be mean and respect others.

Any form of harassment will result in a ban!

No x-ray texture/data packs/mods allowed!

When claiming an area for your base keep some distance to other player's bases.
In a way that everyone has room to expand in the future. Ten chunks minimum.
This is a guildeline, not a hard rule. Surely you can talk to the other players and come to different agreements. Even join forces.
Use the FTB-Chunks map to see the claims of other people. (see 'Worldmaps' & 'Claims')

We have two in-game worldmaps, Xaero-World/minimap and FTB-Chunks map.
Press M to open the Xaero map, N to open FTB-Chunks map.

While Xaero map is used for navigation, FTB-Chunks map's main purpose is to claim your base, farms and so on.

Last but not least, we have the webbrowser based worldmap.
Unlike the in-game maps, this 3D map will show all generated chunks and not just the parts you yourself have discovered.

Xaero Map

FTB-Chunks Map

Browser Map

On our server, one can make claims to prevent griefing by other players, mobs, TNT, etc.

To get started:
Open your inventory and click "My Team".

Click "Create a party"

Give the party a name, optionally a description, and click "Create a Party"!

If you want specific people to be able to access chests, break blocks, use waystones etc., you can make these people allies. To do that, click the icon with the 2 people.

If you want share claims together with someone else, they can join your party, to invite someone to join, click the "+" button next the the button to manage your allies.

You can claim areas in 2 ways: :

1. Open Inventory, click "FTB Chunks: Claim Manager"

- Left-click the shown squares to claim them, right-click the squares to unclaim them.

2. Use the keybind to open the FTB Chunks Map* and click "Claimed Chunks",
or open it with the default keybind: "C"

- Left-click the shown squares to claim them, right-click the squares to unclaim them.

*Make sure it's actually the FTB Chunks Map, and not the Xaero World Map, as our server has both.

Some ares are restricted by a claim with the name 'Restricted Area'.
For example the area around world spawn. This is done as the chunks around it are always loaded, so building in this area is restricted to keep the load on the server to a minimum.

Other areas might be restricted to protect command blocks and redstone contraptions made by OPs for mini-games.

Shopping is based on the honour system.
By default, the payment is done in diamonds. But any shop owner may ask for whatever they prefer as currency in exchange for their goods/services.

The shopping district around the main town (at North Station) is always a good choice to start, but no one is restricted to only building shops there.

Furthermore the wool-block outlines for shops are only suggestions. Feel free to adjust them to you needs.

There is no limit on how many shops a player can make.

At the the North Station one can find different kinds of transportation.

There are five train platforms on the surface level.
One for each cardinal direction, plus one line coming in from World Spawn.

Underground, there are two more train platforms.
Both lines loop around Lake Joob, one clockwise the other counterclockwise.

Furthermore, there are two sharestone platforms.
The first platform has a sharestone to the "Light Blue Line", these sharestone are for the player bases.
The second platform has sharestones for the "Black Line", "Brown Line", "Red Line", "Orange Line", "Yellow Line" and "Lime Line", the purpose of each of these lines is written on the lables at their individual entrances.

Sharestones can be acquired for free at these platforms.

Town Hall is located on 'Berry Bush Boulevard', near the shopping district.

You can decide whether or not you'd like to play with PvP active.
When you join, PvP will be turned on. If you'd like to turn it off - Look for the button to turn off PvP.
You can always turn this on again later if you'd like.

Please note that PvP is always a matter of the consent given by the participating people.

When making Zombie villagers the game difficulty should be set to 'hard', else villagers have a 50% change to die instead of becoming a Zombie.
As the game difficulty on the server is by default on 'normal', you'll find two buttons at Town Hall that change the server difficulty.

Be aware after each server restart the difficulty will be on normal.

Other Town Hall features will be added thru the Season.

Animals and other mobs cause a lot of stress on the server.
To ensure a smooth gameplay experience for everyone, please make sure to only build mob farms in areas that are not loaded at all times.

This means they must be at least ten chunks (10*16 blocks) away from populated areas such as your base, the shopping district or similar areas.

Animal pens should not contain more than 3-4 mobs if they are in one of those areas.
If you need bigger pens, with more animals, please move them ten chunks or more away from active areas.

Our operators will reduce the amount of animals, or even remove whole farms if you do not comply to these rules.

You're stuck in a claim? You're stuck in bedrock?
- Use '/trigger spawn' to get back to the world spawn.

If you die, don't panic !!!!!

There will be a grave at the location of your death with all your items intact waiting for you, and only you, to collect.

Be careful around lava though! If you had a full inventory and items in your extra slots, these will pop out as items in the world!

If you're really in trouble, ask for help from the OP's!


To automatically place torches underground you can use the auto tourcher

It will place torches from your inventory when you on top of a block with a low light level

The datapack has the following commands:

/trigger ato_start - Start auto torch placement
/trigger ato_stop - Stop auto torch placement
/trigger ato_running - Check if auto torch placement is active
/trigger ato_getmode - Check the auto torch mode
/trigger ato_mode0 - Set the auto torch mode to low light level ~3
/trigger ato_mode7 - Set the auto torch mode to medium light level ~7


On our gallery page you find screenshots from the server.

To submit new images contact @IgorTaxiranger in discord.
Remember that you can use the 'freecam' to get a nice view for your screenshot.


Need More Help?

Our OPs are IgorTaxiranger, Asherah and Raqbit.
If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask in the chat, either in-game or the discord channel.